in color amentans meet hazel
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"Yeah. Is there anyone specific we're worried about having a match?"


"Aitim's probably given this more thought than me, but I think right now the council's connections to wizards are all through him and he prefers that, and also no one outside Anitam has any angle on wizards at all and that's probably a good thing."


"It is weird that we're all Anitami."


"Peka's Tapai. But yeah. It's not that weird that my family is from the country that invaded Earth, because my father was going to be the person who invented FTL and his country was going to have the strongest claim on first planet - but everyone else, yeah."


"I suppose if I lived most anywhere else I'd be orange and in research medicine and probably harder to run into?"


"I mean, given the amount of flagrant contrivance the universe seems willing to get up to in order to make sure people meet, I wouldn't expect that to be a barrier? But maybe."


"It depends on whether any of the contrivance was in fact located in arranging for me to be a warp pilot."


"Telkam was illegally hanging on with his boyfriend's unit in the army and their unit red got killed so they doubled up with a Tapai unit which had Peka and he overheard her crying on the phone over being short the credit money and that's how they met."


"...yeah I don't know what this adds up to."


"Anyway I'll be sure to tell you all about the process of diplomats realizing the wizards are friends with a grey."


"Can't wait!" Kiss.



And she accompanies everyone to the diplomatic meeting.


Diplomats seem to be assuming that human hair comes in dark grey! They are so pleased to meet with them all. They're here to help figure out the most practical ways to implement the political changes the wizards are interested in, and to answer questions as they come up and identify other areas where they can productively work together. 


Maybe they'll notice her accent. When she has something to say, which she doesn't yet, since she's not a wizard.


"So the sticking point we foresee being the most troubling is population control on humans, did you get the writeup on why we feel that's unnecessary?"


"We did! It's obviously really good news if human interest in children is culturally dependent enough that it can be maintained around replacement without causing any humans anguish."

"It really looks like right now, overwhelming majorities of non-magical humans want big families and object to birth control, and the main check on human population up to this point has been death in childbirth, death in infancy, and disease-related infertility. Does that sound about right to you?


"Yes, that's true. It will require at least a couple of generations of patience before replacement rates can be had non-coercively."


"And possibly a fair bit more than that? If, for example, religions have fairly high retention even once people have science educations, or if a cultural factor affecting desired family size is the desired family size of others, and Amentans influence humans upwards, or if better survival rates make having children much more appealing..."


"We have wizard data on that last. Wizards are below replacement with negligible infant and childbirth mortality if you don't count outbreeding and sports in the Muggle population. We're also weaker evidence against religious retention - Muggleborns aren't absorbed into the magical civilization until age eleven and seldom continue to practice and almost never pass on a religion to a second-generation child unless the other parent is also a Muggle. I assume you have better statistics than we do about how Muggles talk about desired family sizing in various local cultures."


"It seems hard to rule out that there are population-level genetic differences between wizards and nonmagical humans, but that is still good to know! So at least a few generations, but you're optimistic it wouldn't be more than five or six generations?"


"I think it's very unlikely it would take that long. There are less-coercive intermediate options I wouldn't be inclined to categorically rule out - you could make it inconvenient to apply presumably in conjunction with a wedding for a religious exemption to some non-kidnapping-based population throttling system, for instance."


"Well, then I think we should get started on those immediately and see if they're adequate."

"How about a minimum age of twenty-five for marriage?"

"If the concern is removing children, we could just sterilize everyone after their second."


"Minimum marriage ages will not help you with the religious people many of whom also don't believe in sex before marriage, and sterilizing people involuntarily really will not help."


"...if it does not involve sterilizing people or removing children from the home then I think I am misunderstanding what you mean by 'some non-kidnapping-based population throttling system' from which people could apply for religious objections."

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