in color amentans meet hazel
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Sinkali nods.


"Also Aitim just, uh, didn't mention that following through on what they originally wanted to do would probably get him killed, which I assume was just because he is an idiot."


"Partially. Also, saying to someone 'this will get me executed' is a bit of a risky move, because if they don't decide to back off from it then you've pushed them into deciding now that getting you killed is fine, and maybe you'd have had a better chance if you waited."




"Well, I hope it's all cleared enough that we can come out of hiding soon," says Nanha.


"That's not about us, that's Aitim being worried about other wizards. But I hope it gets straightened out quickly, yeah."


"They'll be back at the end of the week."


"Miss him?"


"Of course."


He shakes his head.


"It would just be so strange being allowed."


Yeah. Fredrick is taller.


"It must be awful," says Nanha. "I can't begin to think what I'd do."


"'s not awful. It's ... once I had Timothy it was fine, really. It's just kind of tiring, in a way you don't even notice most of the time."


"Well, I'd think it was awful." She kisses Sinkali.


"Then I am very glad Amentans got that one right."


Amentans (well, the Anitami ruling council and the people they see fit to bring in) spend a week huddled cancelling all their appointments and figuring out how to deal with the wizards on their adopted planet. Credit numbers get edited slightly before the auction goes live; fewer credits are issued than anticipated. "In an election year," grumbles Aleva, but if there's a substantial chance there won't be a place for those babies then it's lunacy to permit them and it might buy some affordance for delays on the human side. 

(They privately communicate to neighbors that efforts with long-term reliable birth control have been discouraging and they're taking all these other measures to try to cut human birth rates and staying a little farther below agreed-upon growth rates as a sign of good faith and in recognition of the fact that other habitable planets continue not to show up.)

They find a valley usually terraced for rice but scheduled to be fallow for the next year and start construction of a vast mostly-underground wizard center in an architectural style not characteristic of Muggle Anitam. They find a couple hundred talented actors and costumers and set designers who are out of work and give them fairly generous salaries to invent themselves customs appropriate to a wizarding Amenta, get comfortable with them, and put together a convincing fictional government as quickly as possible. 

They appoint a diplomatic team to be responsible for relations with the friendly wizard faction and a different diplomatic team to be responsible for relations with the unfriendly faction. People who think the mind-wiping is horrifying are encouraged not to join the second one. (Everyone thinks the mindwiping is objectively horrifying, but some people mind the thought of it happening to them a lot more than other people.)

The diplomatic team responsible for relations with the friendly wizard faction contains people who participated in population treaty negotiations and whose job is to strategize for treaty renegotiation in the event of terraforming and emphasize its total impossibility in the absence of that. It also contains people who want to propose lots of different kinds of microgovernments and local sovereignty arrangements and hopefully find one that the friendly wizards like. "They might dislike it just because you propose it," Aitim says. 

"Do you want to look through and find the ones you think they'll find most appealing and then we can figure out how to make them think it was their idea -"

Aitim would be delighted. 

And after a bit he and Miranda and Karen and diplomats are ready to go back.


Miranda and Karen have been doing tourist things but are happy enough to go return to Earth.


"Did you have a fun time touristing?"


"Yes. The museum of non-green art is very charming."


"Who goes to see the art?"


"Have you not been by? Mostly purples, I wasn't keeping count."


"I've been offplanet, and pretty busy even before that. Maybe this summer when we're campaigning."

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