in color amentans meet hazel
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"Yep. Plus, like, they tell themselves the designated slave races are naturally inferior or that it's good for them without any evidence nearly as convincing as a house elf begging you please to do literally anything but free them."


"Eeeugh. Dare I guess that lots of people who thought that justified slavery do not feel like it justifies anything when they're on the receiving end?"


"They do not seem to consider this a compelling argument in favor of Amentan conquest, no."


"No one ever does."


"I think you're reasonably popular among ex-slaves."


"I would definitely rather have that constituency than ex-slaveowners."


"Data among Amentans about how long people want a different government and at what point they start saying 'this is my country and I'm proud of it' is kind of hopelessly confounded by how repressive the conquerors were."


"Well, some data's better than nothing..."


"I mean, 'am I going to get shot for saying I want independence' is a much, much stronger predictor of whether anyone will say they want independence than whether they actually want it."


"Okay, true."


"So you can have the data but it's going to show you 'the Oahk Empire was real popular' and 'everyone who didn't die in the Aradeh Massacre loves the people who did it' and that practically no one in Imde likes Tapa and so on."


"Uh, like eight years back now Voa had a food crisis and Tapa invaded and took one of their provinces to have independent food security. They were, like, relatively non-terrible, as far as that kind of thing goes, which isn't to say that most people in the region like them but they'd all feel safe saying that they don't."


"On the other hand I think everyone in Biyan is pretty cheerful about being part of Cene now. I guess you could get the data, see if there's anything interesting."


"Yeah, if there's some aggregated paper on it that's worth taking home."


"I'll try to poke around for you."




"Have fun with the rest of your trip!"


"Will do. Thanks for dinner."


She sends her papers! Amentans often do a lot of murder of conquered populations, or at least restrict their access to children. When they're not doing that and the new government is stable and competent at provision of services, it's common to maintain a separate cultural identify for a generation but fairly uncommon to want political independence. (This might be because it's not very safe to admit.) When the new government is a disaster or it becomes harder to get children then everyone will hate them for much longer.


Timothy invites Fredrick over to meet Kan and Kan's children and their mothers.


Fredrick is delighted to meet them all but mostly the adults and declines to hold a baby - "I, uh, wouldn't know how -"

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