There are robots. Some of them move in frankly bizarre ways - when still they don't look articulated and the skin doesn't look flexible. People talk to alien animals, which perform complex tasks. There are no screens anywhere but lights and shadows sometimes move independently.
Literally no one has a baby. There are some kids running around, usually in groups that don't look related with a minder, or on their own or with friends if they're older. People are with their significant others and friends - no one is hanging out with people who look related to them. No one has a belly button.
They find Aitim's hair mildly interesting but don't follow up when it transpires that he can't explain it to them. Their hair comes in black (usually) and brown and a rare mild orange and a range of weak yellows. Old people go grey. They have more sexual dimorphism than Amentans; men are taller and broader and hairier. They are quite low tech but the robots make up for some of it - robots are doing particularly repetitive labor all around, including some street cleaning, albeit to a standard Amenta would consider deeply inadequate.
The market sells robots and ice blocks and produce and street food and caged birds and books (they do seem to have the printing press) and clothes and jewelry and spices and dishes!