Lúthien in Rewind
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Lúthien looks very relieved. She takes Bella's hand and walks rather than pop them out of sight. Well, that went better than I expected.


I was not expecting to be sent on a quest to get a shiny object to retroactively earn you, but yeah, he didn't even look very much like he wanted to kill me.


I think when he came up with the quest he was expecting it to be a lethal one and then when confronted with someone who'd actually, y'know, already killed the Enemy...




Sorry. Shall we drop by Angband and find Morgoth's crown?


Guess so. Date Ideas #45: rummage around in abandoned fortress of evil god for crown to appease father-in-law.


I really am sorry.


It's okay, it's not your fault.


I could just give up on having a relationship with them. I love them but I disagree with them about a lot, I always knew it might happen.


Up to you, but I don't think a silly fetch quest rates that.


It'll be a funny story later. 


Yeah. 'We eventually found the thing and brought it back and he was like "I was expecting it to be shinier!" and then we introduced him to sushi and he lightened up', something like that. I don't think I ever introduced you to sushi! It's not bad at room temperature and I have some stashed but that's probably not the best introduction.


And they're in Angband.


It's big, and part of it was sustained by the Enemy's magic and looks to be crumbling alarmingly without that. "I don't even know what it looks like," she says.


"I'm assuming crown shaped. Just a guess. Maybe he had an obvious throne room somewhere? What do you remember about the layout from when you were clearing out orcs, I saw a few bits lacking in crown content when I was doing healing..."


"Yeah, there might've been a throne room - it'd be at least a mile underground from here, I'm gonna jump us -"


She does. There's a throne room. There's an astonishingly beautiful shimmering rainbow light filling the throne room. 


"Oh, pretty."


"I wouldn't have expected the person who designed Angband to have such a stunning crown," she says wonderingly, and walks across the room, and very tentatively picks it up. It's large, heavy, black metal, but the jewels in it are practically alive with light. They make everything around them prettier, too; Lúthien is almost too much to look at.


"Yeah, not really his demonstrated design aesthetic, I wonder how he came by it." Preeeeeetty shiny Lúthien.




"...I bet these are those Noldorin jewels. The Silmarils. The ones he stole and they swore to kill anyone who withheld them..."


"...huh. Why haven't they come and gotten them yet?"


"I got the sense they were pretending their internal politics were a little stabler than they are? And we're a mile underground and it's totally possible the passages here have collapsed."


"Okay. Well, it would be really inconvenient if the Noldor were suddenly obliged to try to kill your dad, so I guess we can pry the rocks out of the crown and the rocks go to their owners and the crown to your father?"


"Yeah, sounds like the way to go. That's enchanted, though, it's gonna be hard to pry out - unless I can teleport them out -"


"I was thinking teekay, I guess I don't know how the enchantment might interact."


"Well, probably nothing bad happens."

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