Metadata: Committee Appointments and Proposals for the Purpose of Resolving The Convention's Major Concerns With Efficiency And Wisdom [open]
Status In Progress
Audience Public
Word Count 9,095
  • lintamande: 2,894
  • danarmak: 1,697
  • Nscruiser: 650
  • Aevylmar: 626
  • Calima: 562
  • Numendil: 528
  • westwind: 473
  • MaggieoftheOwls: 320
  • Arete/Stars: 288
  • JiSK: 273
  • Alicorn: 256
  • lantalótë: 200
  • girllich: 171
  • apprenticebard: 152
  • bluejay: 5
Time Begun
Time Last Updated