"And I can work on pen software and French just as well there as anywhere. Maybe bring in my keyboard, if there's a good way to transport it."
Linya makes a note of this. "On an unrelated note, my estimate is that I'll know whether or not I'm ever going to be able to figure out your complicated nib in a couple of months - maybe sooner, but that's when I'll give up on it if it looks terribly unpromising."
Linya holds her pen over her shoulder, takes a holo of her hair, and then brings it around to have a look. "Lovely," she pronounces.
"It's a legitimate demonstration of skill! And it means I get to contribute to making you even prettier than your astronomical baseline!"
And after another minute or two - "All done! You've been waterfalled. Waterfallen? Whatever." He proceeds immediately to Hug.
And later on, Linya asks Cordelia about what she'll need to know about visiting Miles and possibly transporting her keyboard there to entertain him with while he is bored and flat.
"Bored and flat. What an excellent description," says Cordelia. "Visiting hours usually correspond roughly to daylight, minus a four-hour block in the morning. I don't know offhand about the keyboard, but I feel confident we can get it in somehow."
"All right then. I suppose it's not too bulky to just literally carry, if they'll let me leave it in his room and I only have to do it twice. I think I'll call them and ask."
So Linya calls the hospital and asks. They say they will let her leave the keyboard in the room as long as she brings something with which to lock it to an immobile furnishing, since they don't have the insurance to replace it for her if somebody walks off with it. She buys a lock.
The scheduled day arrives. The surgery goes well, according to the informational updates sent to Miles's family - no surprises. The day after, family members are permitted to visit.
"Hey, you."
"Hi," he says, producing a slightly strained smile. "Painkillers are my second favourite thing."
Linya locks her keyboard to a decorative bar near the windowsill and then sits on the edge of his bed and smooths his hair. "I believe I shall take that directly as a compliment rather than attempting modesty."