Valia has a lovely trip to Westcrown. All of the sailors are of course curious about the teachings of Iomedae, now that Iomedae has wrested Cheliax back from Asmodeus, and Valia is delighted to explain it to them. Iomedae is Good, where Asmodeus was Evil. It is the first duty of Good to battle Evil. There are other Good gods for the things Good does at peace, but Evil must be defeated for peace to be enjoyed. They must each of them defeat Evil in their own hearts and in their neighbors, and raise their children free of it. 

They're delayed by weather and reach Westcrown on the very eve of the convention, which Valia considers yet another blessing of her Goddess - no wasted time. She goes straight to the temple of Iomedae, asking strangers on the streets where it is, walking the city very nearly fearlessly. After all she has a holy symbol on her neck and it would be a very foolish Evildoer who directly accosted Iomedae's servants in the streets.

She passes by a cafe with bright colored flags that looks interesting, but ignores it as she can't read.