"I mean, is he consistent about going to bed at a reasonable hour, does he sleep soundly? Or am I taking my life into my hands entering his home in the middle of the night?"
"Once he's asleep, he's asleep. Fire used to try to wake him up in the middle of the night by yelling from downstairs and it didn't work."
Write, write.
"Why doesn't he have the place warded right? Is he stupid, or cocky, or is the place riddled with traps, or what?"
"He's not... I mean... I don't think he thinks anyone would come in and steal someone from him. People don't do that."
"Okay. I can stay up till - an hour or so past midnight. We can do it then."
"For that you're welcome. I've never shadow-walked before. Can we do a dry run of that?"
"The fact that I haven't actually covered this in class will probably help with plausible deniability. I don't even know how. What's the procedure?"
"We have to be touching. You can just hold my hand or something," he says. "And I'll do the rest. Humans aren't very good at steering a shadow walk, anyway. It's like all the parts of dark scrying you're bad at, but more so."
Complete darkness envelops them both. He switches to darksight without a problem, and navigates the shadow spaces, taking them out of Maurabel's room and then back into it at the other end.
"I think I'd better keep you checked out overnight. If I return you to the night attendant he's more likely to think it's weird since I'm usually not there at night."
"And then you and Fire can have your reunion right away as long as it's quiet - and I'd like to get some sleep before class even if it's only a few hours."