Kiri's up early the next morning, restless with various low-level simmering concerns, and wanders out of her room.
It is a pretty great part! Mmkisses. Loel makes some more cute sounds.
And then falls out of his chair. It was bound to happen; he was sitting very precariously and not paying much attention to it. The chair clatters out from under him, dumping him on the floor, and he ends up hugging Patience's leg and cackling helplessly.
And then falls out of his chair. It was bound to happen; he was sitting very precariously and not paying much attention to it. The chair clatters out from under him, dumping him on the floor, and he ends up hugging Patience's leg and cackling helplessly.
Okay, that's hilarious.
"Are," (she giggles too hard and has to start over) "are you okay?"
"Are," (she giggles too hard and has to start over) "are you okay?"
Patience does her best to haul him up onto her lap.
If she succeeds, she might kiss him again!
If she succeeds, she might kiss him again!
Ooh. Loel cooperates with this effort!
Now she has a Loel snuggled in her lap.
Whatever will she do with him?
Now she has a Loel snuggled in her lap.
Whatever will she do with him?
"Is this a 'we make out for a while and then you put your clothes on and we go hang with some primes' or is it a 'while one of us still has clothes on, that person should scurry out of the room to find something to write 'health' and 'fertility' and 'luck' and 'surprise' on so we can put them in a bowl and see what we're looking at for today'?"
"I dunno," Loel says cheerfully. "One of those. Actually you might not have to scurry anywhere, I've probably got paper and a pen around here somewhere. Want to?"
(Nuzzle.) "I brought it up exclusively to string you along and have no other motives whatsoever," she singsongs.
Regrettably, he has to get out of her lap to go find these things. He kisses her first, then goes rummaging. Patience may feel free to enjoy the view. Shortly thereafter: paper and pen!
Regrettably, he has to get out of her lap to go find these things. He kisses her first, then goes rummaging. Patience may feel free to enjoy the view. Shortly thereafter: paper and pen!
She approves! She totally approves.
She closes her eyes and kisses his neck again and stirs the papers around blind and picks up two.
She reads them.
"Well, um, I got health, so that's good, but I also got surprise, which is not, and Mom always said not to call it close enough if you get weird draws."
She closes her eyes and kisses his neck again and stirs the papers around blind and picks up two.
She reads them.
"Well, um, I got health, so that's good, but I also got surprise, which is not, and Mom always said not to call it close enough if you get weird draws."
Patience is unable to answer at the moment!
She doesn't seem to be trying to shove Loel off her lap, but she is no longer making out with him either.
She doesn't seem to be trying to shove Loel off her lap, but she is no longer making out with him either.