Kiri's up early the next morning, restless with various low-level simmering concerns, and wanders out of her room.
"So now that you've seen me naked, anything else you wanna do with me?"
"That was the most adorable noise of all time, will you do it again if I keep petting you?"
Also, if he leans any farther out of his chair toward her, he is likely to fall sideways.
Is that a fluff of hair? It is a fluff of hair. Perhaps he will also chirp if she starts scritching his head.
Headscritches cause him to scoot his chair closer and flop over to lay his head in her lap. And make more cute sounds.
Scritch scritch pet.
"I missed you," says Patience thoughtfully, "but I am also glad you were not around when I was being Awkwardly Pubescent, I think, 'cause then we would've done this years ago and then I would've said something Awkwardly Pubescent and then it would be weird."
"I did a bunch of stupid things with cute boys when I was fourteen and fifteen, and conveniently, none of them are going to be politically important or were my friends when we were ten, so I can mostly forget about having done it most of the time!"
"Aww." His head is flopped in her lap. Therefore he is in an excellent position to rub his cheek against her tummy. He does that. "You're cute," he declares.