Kiri's up early the next morning, restless with various low-level simmering concerns, and wanders out of her room.
"Edible trout parts," he says, pointing to one bowl, "everything else," the other. "Think you can magic 'em like you said?"
"I thiiink so. Getting the skin off might be hard." She picks up a trout, contemplates it, and starts - disassembling it. It's pretty gross, but she gets it neatly split into food and not food after a minute of thought and a minute more of fussing.
"Amazing," says Loel. He leans up and kisses her cheek again, then commences doing tasty things to the disassembled trout.
The resulting meal is not the sort of thing that can be ferried about on a tray and then distributed from there. Loel eyes it for a moment, then says, "If I show you where the dining room is - it's not far - can you carry stuff there while I go get everybody? You shouldn't need to make too many trips. And I think this is dining-room material."
He hugs her. He clearly identifies which things are to be brought to the dining room. He shows her the dining room (it's not far). He hugs her again.
And his neck is right there and needs a little nibble. Okay, now she'll let him go tell people.
"You're great and I like you," he informs her. "See you in a bit!"
And he's off to collect diners.
"I kind of accidentally got fancy," he says. "Food's in the dining room. Or it will be when we get there. I hope you all like trout."
"Do you just keep half a dozen people's worth of trout around, or did you literally go catch a bunch of fish just now?"
"Nah. I kill 'em in the water with a creepy coru trick and then scoop 'em out with a little net," he says cheerfully.
"If I were going to go fishing for my lunch I'd probably cook them before I even took them out of the river," snorts Kiri.
"Mm, but you would have a harder time finding out where they were to do it in the first place," he says, grinning and going over to give her a hug.
(An idle recollection of a similar but crucially different hug with Patience crosses his mind. Mm, hugs. Loel is so fond of hugs. They're so... hugs.)
Okay. To the dining room!