The Ardelay twins loiter in the palace for a few days, then fall back to the Chialto house, in plenty of time to receive any prompt reply to the correspondence Kiri sent out when they arrived in the city.
"We went to Malinqua on a spice boat, there are probably normal Welchin spices all over the place in Malinqua."
"Maybe there are Malinquan spices in Welce too, I have no idea where spices come from, I just know that leaf there was in that breakfast Loel made us when we were at his Thiyec place tasted like soap."
"I told you it didn't taste the same to me or Loel, I'm not sure why it tasted like that to you."
"Maybe he just actually got soap in my breakfast?" shrugs Aleko. "Anyhow, I'm glad we don't put soap or soapy herbs or whatever in our food around here."
"I don't think he got soap in your breakfast. I don't know how to explain it."
"The only thing I didn't recognize was a leaf that Loel thought of as 'cilantro'."
Ekador considers, then says, "I haven't heard of it, at least not by that name."
"Or," says Aleko, "there was soap on my plate, that would also explain it. Why would cilantro taste nice to you and him and not to me?"
"If it was the herb and not accidental soap, it's interesting that it did," says Ekador.
"If we discover an explanation, perhaps it will help you avoid other things that mysteriously taste like soap to you and not other people," Ekador suggests.
"So before you encountered this 'cilantro', you would have said that nothing tastes like soap except soap. Who's to say there isn't another thing like it somewhere?"
"This conversation is starting to make it sound like I eat soap every changeday or something. Come to think of it I have no idea why I know what soap tastes like."
"Couldn't tell you. I wonder what Loel's making for dinner."