Aya is little used to having the opportunity to set her own priorities, but she likes it. She's not hurting for any material resources, and the organization of the attic would produce those more than anything else; and she has this entire bookshelf closer to hand. So the attic, which may or may not contain ghosts, languishes; and she steadily works through the book collection. Right now she is on the third in a series of myths from the old religion; this volume is about Aelare, the trickster.
"Even if I could distinguish every pitch and chord you can emit, I'm pretty sure I'd have a hard time getting anything detailed or complex without assigning some sort of code."
"I am failing to even conceptualize it. I can guess as far as - emotions and numbers and you managed a fairly recognizable laugh earlier - and beyond that I'm just going back to 'play snatches of music with lyrics to refer to the words'. I'm not saying it's impossible, mind, I'm saying it'd be fascinating."
"Almost there," says Aya encouragingly. "I imagine he can be trusted not to treat you like he does his furni- look," she interrupts herself, turning to the "him" in question, "Berete calls you 'Hal'; is that actually okay with you or did she pick it for reasons of her own and you haven't corrected her?"
"...more the second one," he says. "I don't like my name. I don't like any parts of my name. I don't mind it that much, either, but... I don't like it."
"I can drop right back into 'my lord' without a bit of slip-up if we're ever talking in front of one of your parents or a visitor or something, but I don't think Piper will tell anybody if you pick a name you like more, now that there are multiple people around and it would be especially handy to refer to you by a name. Will you, Piper?"
"Speaking of Piper telling people things," says Aya, "do you want to be introduced to anyone else? Berete comes to mind; I'm sure she'd be interested to know about the singing ghost."
"I don't care much either way. You can if you want, or I will the next time I catch her alone, whenever that is."
"I imagine after a few thousand years one gets used to being a pipe tower, but it must have been a huge adjustment at first, what was it like?"