Aya is little used to having the opportunity to set her own priorities, but she likes it. She's not hurting for any material resources, and the organization of the attic would produce those more than anything else; and she has this entire bookshelf closer to hand. So the attic, which may or may not contain ghosts, languishes; and she steadily works through the book collection. Right now she is on the third in a series of myths from the old religion; this volume is about Aelare, the trickster.
Once she's gotten a good bit ahead of Piper, Aya starts making trips to group various objects-she's-moving with others of their type in the nascent organizational system.
The duke's son takes up where Aya left off clearing the path, and when he reaches the ladder he climbs down to open the door.
Aya heads down to the next floor before Piper gets there; she doesn't think she or Piper would enjoy it if she fell on her.
Yep. Aya moves a couch a few inches to make a space for Piper to hang out where her keys will be clearly visible from said couch and she'll be out of all the walking paths.
And then some more waiting. He chooses to wait sitting on that couch, rereading his book of Aelare stories.
"I may have run out of thematically suitable things to draw for you the next time I want to draw you something," remarks Aya.
"Well, that's the beauty of Aelare, isn't it? You can draw just about anything, and I'll know."
"Oh, it was definitely about the drawing. It just won't always be about the drawings."
"What else would you call deciding to make you a cake just because I'm happy and I feel like it?"
"Just cake? I wouldn't like to wake up one day and find all of the furniture in my room stuck to the ceiling and my feet replaced with wheels."
"That's much pleasanter. I'm a disaster on feet, I don't think wheels would improve me."