"Eventually. When you're approximately five instead of approximately three. Oh, you'll need a birthday too," she realizes.
"Most people know what day they were born, so they can tell how old they are. I, for example, am twenty-three. My birthday is October twenty-first, in a few weeks, and then I'll be twenty-four. You don't know what day you were born, but we have to pick something or we won't know when to decide you're officially four instead of officially three. Also," she adds, "on your birthday you get cake and presents."
"Is cake food?" asks Katie dubiously. She has encountered an awful lot of not-food masquerading as food.
"Well, I'll need some time to figure out what to get you," she says. "And Christmas is coming up in a few months. You'll get presents then too."
"Yep," says Chris. "And lucky you, you get to pick whether to have them close together so you get your presents all at once, or farther apart so you don't have to go as long without getting any."