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Claire calls her family.
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"No, but I do get it. I saw a bunch of people struggling with the same questions yesterday. I want to understand too. The whole stance of us understanding later is very condescending and I hate it. If it's actually important why can't she convince us, why can't she just explain and why didn't she ask for volunteers instead of kidnapping us all."


Clinton nods. "I'm worried for you. It wasn't supposed to be dangerous. Just... a way for you to see where you're headed. Please be careful Claire."


"I will be, I don't even know if I'm going to leave the safe area yet. I might just stay and help people as much as I can from here."


"I'm worried about you too. I trust you to make the right choice though whatever that is. You have a good head on your shoulders. You always have."


"I trust you too. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."


"Thanks. It means a lot from both of you. I wish I could hug you both."


Her mom tears up. "I wish I could hug you too. Please call again while you can. I don't want to say goodbye. And I know I'll need to, to say that and not know when," there's a pauses as she can't say the words they all know come next, "when I'll see you again but not today, please not today."


Claire tears up in turn. "I promise I'll call every day I can. I don't want to say goodbye either."

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