An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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Imliss reports this to the two people who were staying away for reasons of not having protective streaks activated by weapons with some relief.


The cousins are very definitely not speaking to the House of Fëanáro.


So much for having two archery instructors. Oh well. At least she got to meet Irisse before this happened.



Tirion gradually settles down. Fëanáro hasn't apologized. Maitimo spends two days trying on that and gets nowhere.


If Maitimo isn't getting anywhere presumably Imliss has even less of a chance but she feels the need to at least check with him that there isn't anything obvious that his dad would be more willing to hear from the mouth of someone both new and on his side.


"To be honest, I have less luck with my father than with literally the entire remaining population of Valinor combined. It's possible you'd get somewhere and I don't think it'd hurt to try."



So she goes and finds Feanaro.

"Why were you wearing armor and carrying a sword?"


Fëanáro raises an eyebrow. "I'm not particularly interested in defending myself to the whole city one at a time."


"I'm not asking you to," she says, "your half-brother was being a massive dick. I'm just curious why you happened to have a handy sword on you to pull on him. And armor, even if you had an inkling he was gonna pull something like that he didn't also have a sword."


His expression relaxes slightly. "I heard from someone that there was going to be violence at the hearing. I thought it safer to err on the side of caution."


"Heard from who?"


"Apprentice of mine I've known for three hundred years, who stopped by his sister-in-laws' this morning and overheard a conversation. Some other people were carrying swords, but not openly."


"Okay. Sorry if I sound paranoid, I've just been really nervous since Melkor started impugning my species."


"I gathered. Satisfied?"


"Pretty much. I just hope this whole fiasco doesn't delay things until they--start, or whatever, I've been thinking of trying to study shipbuilding or figuring out lighter-than-air craft or something just in case."


"What are you worried is going to start?"


"I don't know. I'm just--scared. That it'll be my hometown all over again, only different, if you'd told me everything was going to go to hell there I wouldn't have been able to guess how then either."


"You have us. We have our people. If they exile us from Tirion half of Tirion will follow us on out."


"...I know that in my head, but."


He stands and hugs her. "We will never, ever abandon each other."


"...I'm really glad your son and my sister decided to marry each other. I can't imagine--you guys are so great, and--just like that, I'm in, it seems too good to be real sometimes."


"Everyone deserves people they can count on unconditionally."


"I've always had my sister for that. It would pretty much kill me to lose her."


"We'll take good care of her."


"I believe you. Thanks."

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