An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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"That'll be good for her, once she can convince herself it's real."


"Perhaps they should build a house in Tirion after all. There's nothing like building someone a house to say, symbolically,  that we want you here and welcome you as part of the community."


"After all?"


"When we last spoke I asked them if they mightn't prefer to have it down south. For the cultural liberalism, Tirion's not the place for that."


"I don't think you're going to convince my sister to leave Tirion while I'm here."


"I think she was hoping to develop absurdly fast transportation? A project to which we'd enthusiastically lend our talents, incidentally, if they can be put to any use. I'd love to have the whole family close, but it sounded like they'd hesitate to raise children here."


"Ah. Fair enough. If she can finagle something--probably through dreamworking, dunno how much help you could be with that--that would let them see us on as regular a basis as if they lived nearby, but have her children's default interactions-with-people mostly be with more culturally liberal people, I could totally see her going for that."


"Yes, I don't think it was their intent to steal away in the night, just perhaps to set their permanent roots somewhere she wouldn't be accosted in the street with people expecting she'd be scandalized by my brother's sexual history."


"...Do I want to know?"


"Probably not? I'm of the opinion it's deeply inappropriate to comment, though I suppose I might need to write up a 'guide to Elven mores for aliens' guide or something."


"What I actually meant was, is it in the category 'details I really do not need about my brother-in-law' or the category 'general stuff that happened and is more likely to scandalize people here than me' but if you're not comfortable talking about it I won't push."


"Former category, to my mind. You wouldn't be scandalized, you don't need to know. Idaia had a brilliant comeback." He shakes his head. "Tirion changes at an Elven pace. I'm sorry."


So it sounds like she probably does want to know, but can ask Idaia later. Okay. "Good thing I'm single, I guess."


"You don't want the opportunity for such comebacks?"


"I might, but I don't know what kind of comeback to what kind of remark it was yet, so it's hard to judge."


They reach the glovemakers. Maitimo beams at the glovemaker, and she has several things that should fit Imliss's hands. Does she want pretty colored ones for parties, too?


There she is, several pairs of gloves. She chatters with Maitimo while she boxes them up - "oh, and I owe the Prince Turkafinwe a wedding present, now, too..."

"They'll probably be exceptionally grateful for housewarming gifts once they have a house," he says, "and know what they need.'


If literally everyone in the city tries to give them wedding presents I'm not sure where they're expected to store them all.


People will collaborate on them, but yes, it'll be a very well-stocked home.


Makes the idea of one house in Tirion now and one somewhere else later seem more appealing, just for the extra storage space.


As long as both of you feel like you have things and places to call your own.


You're sweet, she accuses.


Me? No, no, I'm the nefariously scheming son of Feanor. I just want everyone in the world to live blissfully happy lives so I can claim the credit, you know, not a good intention in sight.


I need to commend your brothers on the accuracy of their metaphor.

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