An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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"...I will get some people working on that. Thank you."


"Meanwhile if your gloves don't fit me well I should see about getting ones that do; it would be just as terrible if I accidentally tore a page because my hands were clumsy in gloves that don't fit right as if I smeared something because I wasn't wearing any."


He holds up his hand to compare. "Yes, probably. I know a good glovemaker a block down, would you like me to walk you down there?"


"Are people going to act more or less weird around me if you are also there?"


"Differently weird around you, probably. I can clear the streets entirely if it really bothers you."


"That would actually probably bother me way more."


"I would offer to go out in disguise but I've been tempted many times and have yet to think of a persuasive one. I can send you an escort if that's easier."


"No, it's fine, I'll get used to getting weird looks much faster than I'd get used to being treated like a special snowflake like that."


"'special snowflake'?"


"...I don't want to normalize the idea that people should treat me differently any more than is inevitable because my sister married your brother."


"Okay. I'm happy to help facilitate that, then. I'd send anyone who was new in Tirion an escort to help them find what they needed, though, that's not because we're family."


"Oh. I think I can find my way, though."


"Definitely! And people will be happy to direct you if it proves unexpectedly difficult."


"I'll probably do fine."


"I am sure you'll do fine! It sounds like you've already found more than enough projects to occupy an Age. I just don't want you to hesitate to ask for aid that I'd extend to anyone. Being new somewhere is intimidating."


"That it is. I was...kind of freaked out, yesterday, to be honest."


"I'm impressed that you got three lectures and some shopping out of it. Are you quite sure you don't want me to go with you? People will stare, but not particularly, and you are literally an alien so I can't tell them off too much for curiosity."


"...Maybe yes."


He stands. "If it helps you calibrate your expectations, our political drama does not include any general resentment of the royal family. You're not going to lose anyone's respect for leaning on us while you find your feet, or for Tyelcormo being dramatic about your sister, or anything."


"Oh, good, they're actually really adorable when they're not actually doing things I don't want to see my sister doing."


"And it sounds like she can do with some being widely appreciated as adorable and as a great source of happiness to Tirion's beloved prince and so on."


"Losing our home was hard on her."


"I imagine it'd be hard on anyone. And a lot worse under the circumstances."


"It wasn't so much losing the physical location as the--betrayal of trust, yeah."


"So here people will dote on you, and it'll be a little annoying but their trust and loyalty is real, and not conditional."

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