An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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"I don't even know if that's why it's magnetic, but that could be it."


He shakes his head. "Anyhow, we still can't really go without the Valar's leave, but at that point perhaps they'll be more willing to grant it."


"And at that point we're back to policy issues."


A tired smile. "I'm working on it. We'll get something constructive and safe eventually."


"Good for you," she says sincerely. "Meanwhile, dinner?"


Dinner is brought in! It is way too much for two people, and Maitimo insists that the servant who brings it stay. "Imliss this is Lótelastië! Lóte, this is my sister by marriage, and she's delightful, and I think one of the talks she sat in on today must have been your sister's, isn't she giving the mathematics lecture series this week?"


"I don't think I actually went to any on math, I did a chemistry one and a conductivity one and a metallurgy one."


"Oooh," Lótelastië says, "project in mind? Or just general interest?"


"General interest. I only just got here, I'm still orienting myself, specific projects can wait until I'm more familiar with the place."


She nods, and then shrinks back against the wall and looks at Maitimo like he's a Vala. He recommends a dish and eats some of it himself and then says "I think going to miscellaneous talks until you know enough to give them yourself is a very romantic way to do it but I think there've also been books published with more systemic courses of study."


She gives her a curious look. "Yes," she says to Maitimo, "that's probably a better idea in the long run. I did enjoy the talks, though, they were lovely."


"They always are! I'm in awe of everyone who gives them, it'd take a lot of work and a lot of nerve. Of course, most people eventually do, so I'm in awe of most of Tirion, but I think that's wholly appropriate. Lóte, d'you'know a good metallurgy course of study?"

"I could look up the books, I don't have them by name - want me to go -"

"No I do not! You haven't eaten!"

"I've eaten a little bit, my lord!" she protests, but takes a bit more. "I do know the books for conductivity, if Imliss want to study that - it'd be Charge in Metal, First Principles."


She is definitely going to ask about that later but meanwhile she is all ears about the books.


And eventually Maitimo expresses shock that it's already Laurelin creeping up on them and asks if Lótelastië minds showing Imliss the guest room he's had prepared for her and hands her the enchanted ring and wishes them both a good night.


Ooh, enchanted ring. Ooh, sleep.

The next morning, though, then she is definitely going to see if she can ask Maitimo why she was behaving like that.


He is easy to find! If his hair weren't braided differently and his outfit weren't differently stunning one might think he hadn't slept. "Imliss! A few of your books are in!" he greets her joyously.


"That was fast!"


"Well, I did not really do much of anything, the library had them and the librarians did their usual possessive hoarding and sad expressions at a book leaving their custody but I promised it'd be loved very dearly. And replaced if anything happened to it, that's the magic."


"Ah, librarians. So why was that woman acting so weird last night, was it just because you're royalty?"


"Lótelastië? Yes, I think so. I don't try to do 'frightening' but I suppose some people are overawed anyway. If being overawed isn't making them unhappy then I don't usually push them on it."


"Fair enough. Should I be wearing gloves while reading these? Where do I find gloves?"


"I have an extra pair or you can get them at a glovemakers, and yes, please do, it takes a scribe a year to make a book."


"...Okay, found another thing we've got that you don't. Printing presses."


"Do tell."


Imliss explains printing presses.

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