An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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"I have no idea how to expect that to hybridize."


"You will have to write a paper," he says earnestly.


"...Wouldn't that require experimenting? Personally I'm inclined to err on the side of 'if the baby could conceivably need it, do it' and unless I systematically deprive each child of one thing that a member of one of our species but not the other would require to be as healthy and happy as possible and some of them suffer for it I don't see how I'd get usable data."


Everyone shudders. "None of them contradict, I hope?" Feanaro says.


"Not that I know of, but I didn't know about that thing until you told me."


"Can we change topics we're not planning on children any time soon anyway."


"True, it's hardly urgent." Am I embarrassing you?


Not you, love, my family! I do not want my father to ask questions with his usual level of meticulousness about childbearing in your world!


I meant am I embarrassing you by cooperating. And presumably at some point in the future the information is likely to be important. Would you feel better if it was Imliss fielding those questions?


Maybe in ten years when you all know each other better. Though if you don't mind it I have no grounds for complaint.


I can think of technical details he could have gotten into that would have been embarrassing but he didn't so I wasn't.


Okay, okay, go ahead and discuss Elf conception with my parents. I love you.


I love you too. Anyway, it isn't urgent.


That we don't rush. We will be the best parents ever and we will wait until we can be.


Damn straight. Being reckless with one's future happiness and that of another adult who's consenting to it is one thing, being reckless with a child's well-being something else entirely.


Exactly. Why is she so correct about everything.


She could ask the same thing!


He is perfect to her because she hasn't met anyone else on the continent yet. Oh, wait, can't use that excuse any more. Maybe he's just actually perfect.


Also, she met people in her world, and they weren't perfect. He's definitely just perfect.


The rest of the family has noticed them gazing adoringly at each other and manages for like ten seconds not to interrupt. Then, though - "Tyelcormo has a room."

"Ugh, no, it's right next to mine."

"We should get started on building you two a house."


"I'm not actually done eating!" she protests with as much dignity as she can muster.


"And we're not done asking questions!" And they launch back in.


As long as these questions have nothing to do with reproduction she will answer them with relative relief!


There are lots of more interesting things to ask about! Can they create magic items in dreams? Can they create objects that require a lot of precision? Books? Books they haven't read? Books that don't exist?


If you read a book in a dream, you can conjure it; if your dream involves magic of any kind, you can at least theoretically replicate it; magic items are all other things being equal easier than magic powers. If you dreamt about something really precise you can conjure it.

Conjurations are not permanent, which decreases their utility somewhat, but you can re-conjure something that you've lost hold of and the effects they have linger; if you conjure ice in your hand the ice will vanish and any water that melted off it will vanish but your hand will still be colder than it had been.

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