An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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"In my world, weird stuff happens when you're having intense dreams, and you can learn to control it. It's called dreamshaping." She conjures a handful of butterflies, which flap a few yards away before disappearing.


"Woah. That...doesn't happen here."


"Your brother explained that."


"Everyone's going to pick your brain for hours about the limits of your magic and how it interacts with ours and what you could do and what people've been documented doing and stuff."

"So we don't need to," says his brother, elbowing him, "we can read it in the journal of otherworldly people that Tirion's about to invent when its first edition comes out fast as they can scribe it."


"My sister can do it too. I'd say that meant I'd only have to deal with half as many questions if I didn't know better because Mama was an academic."


"Oh good," says the one, "so you're inured. Well, if you want to go get interrogated we won't spoil the news up in the city - though we could invite Maitimo home for dinner, should we invite Maitimo home for dinner?"

"He'll be able to break up the interrogation in a less embarrassing way than physically carrying my Idaia out of the room," Tyelcormo says, "so yes. Don't tell him why, Maitimo's so adorable when surprised."


Ee possessive pronouns. "I'm as inured as it's possible to get, which isn't completely, but good enough."


"Alright," one of them says. "Unexplained dinner invitation will be conveyed, though he might guess, you know."

"If he does I hope he'll at least act adorably surprised when I tell him anyway."


"I'm almost scared this guy won't live up to what I keep hearing about him."


"Oh, no, what've you heard?"

"He's the tyrant of Tirion, have you heard that? But a very friendly one."

"He talks people out of their souls and then keeps the souls in a nice cozy place with lots of Treelight, and sings to them."


"He's supposedly prettier than Tyelcormo, which I'm not sure I believe is possible, and he may or may not have secret dungeons just for the appeal of knowing about them, and so good with people it's all but magic."


"You will probably continue finding Tyelcormo prettier, being his wife."

"I don't think he has dungeons but I think some of the towers lock."

"You're not going to scandalize people from another world with locks."


"I'm not scandalized by locks," she confirms. "Do you not have them much here? I find that they're very useful for denoting places most people aren't supposed to be that someone might otherwise wander into by accident, if nothing else."


"That's rather what doors are for. Locks seem excessive. But it's only rooms locking from the outside that'd really raise eyebrows."


"Do you mostly not use doors? They're kind of defaulty, in Kilauossa, whether or not people are supposed to be somewhere."


"We don't! They're not very pretty, are they? You can do arches and things for entryways if you don't have to bother with doors."


"I dunno, you can do some interesting things with doors."


"We have interesting doors, just not functional ones."


"In Kilaiuossa there are more functional doors than interesting ones. I won't deny that you're much better at making things beautiful than architects back home seem to bother with. Don't ask me what they're thinking, I'm not one."


"Does your world have material scarcity? Because that'd change priorities a little."

"We promised to spare her the interrogation, Telvo."

"Right, right. Congratulations, we love you, you idiots, see you later." And they wave.


"We have material scarcity. See you later."


And they keep walking. The estate has a gate that is extremely pretty and swings open at their touch. There's a child sleeping in the garden, under a tree. 


Oh what a cute kid. Who's that?


Remember I said my mother was crazy talented? That's a sculpture. Of my brother Curufinwe, who's now a couple hundred.


Wow. Wow.

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