An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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And Tyelcormo will make her a ring. It'll be a blue diamond, because she likes blue and blue diamonds are the hardest stone known to Elves. A big one, set in a nice sturdy thoroughly Noldorin ring. He does the gemcutting himself too, even though he hasn't done that in a while.


Idaia looks at her admittedly pretty abstract red-and-white glass ring and tells herself firmly that it is not appropriate to feel like a fumbling child with a lump of clay, he would have been happy with a twig. And it is reasonably pretty.


It is stunningly pretty! He nearly cries, and he holds it tightly to his chest and his hands are shaking too much to put it on and he's sharing all his thoughts with her so she can tell that 'good, for a mortal from a different world' never ever crosses his mind, and that he'd have found it ridiculous.


How is he so perfect, how did she ever find someone this wonderful. She can put it on his finger for him, how's that.


That works! And now to Tirion, she needs to meet everyone!


Okay! She is less nervous about the possibility of people thinking they made terrible life choices than before that display oh she loves him.


People who think that are definitely getting dungeoned, because that level of lack of common sense suggests they are dangers to themselves.


Yes, dear, fine, but your wife is not going to help you dig the dungeons since you don't have any yet.


It is technically possible that Maitimo has secret dungeons, that is not far outside the realm of things Maitimo would do and derive great satisfaction from. He wouldn't use them, he'd just enjoy being the only person aware they existed. 


That is kind of hilarious but probably would not solve the problem of where to stick people who lack all common sense.


Sure, fine, there she goes being all practical when he just wants to wildly abuse political power until someone takes it away from him.


But, dearheart, that's what the hat's for, you don't need dungeons!


He might not strictly need them, but.


I can conjure you a shovel.


I don't think I'd need a shovel for dungeons, I have Huan.


Clearly you have this all figured out and I was a fool for doubting you.


And at long last, Tirion. It is very white and very bright and very glittering.


"It's beautiful."


"I am really glad it's your thing. So - meet my family first, we live just outside the city proper, or go into the city and acquire you a house and start the gossip mill churning?"


"...Let's go with the former."


"Yeah, good idea." And he steers them towards a stunningly pretty estate nestled into the hills behind TIrion. As they approach it a couple of young men coming racing out of it. They have red hair worn in braids, both of them. They slow when they see Tyelcormo has company, both of them. 

"I got married," he says brightly."On purpose, not that it's any of your business. This is Idaia and she also has a twin, this is Imliss. Love, these are my younger brothers Ambarussa."

"By the time she got to us our mother was out of names," the one with very slightly darker red hair says, "so it's Ambarussa for each of us and both of us. I'm also Pityo.:

"I'm also Telvo. Ah. Congratulations-what-were-you-thinking-"

"That I'd met her," Tyelcormo says, "and knew she was the one, so why wait?"


"Hi." She should really not be this nervous. "I'm also from a completely different universe, as far as we can tell."


"I, ah, guessed that from you being short and looking very much not like an Elda! It makes sense that Tyelcormo would marry someone from another universe and if this had been one of his occasion two-Year trips I wouldn't even be surprised."

"How did you meet? When did you decide you liked each other?"


"My sister and I were attacked by a giant snake with a mirror for a face and suddenly wound up in the middle of nowhere with your brother the only person around for miles! We were discussing species differences, he said that we could test strength with arm wrestling except that he was unusually good at that, I said it was just as well because I fight dirty, he said that with six brothers he bet I couldn't do anything he hadn't seen yet, so obviously I had to challenge him and win with a combination of my kind of magic and surprise kissing as a diversionary tactic."



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