An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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"Sounds good to me. I love you."


"I love you."


Bathing! Bathing is very distracting!


It may be a while before they get around to cleaning off and finding Imliss!


Oh, but what an enjoyable while it is.

Eventually, though, they're fit for sisterly company.


"Hi! We're going to keep heading to Tirion, that all right with you? It makes the most sense for us to build our house near there."


"Hi, congratulations, yes that still sounds fine."


"I think you'll really like Tirion. Thank you for your patience with us."


"Wish I'd had a book," she shrugs. "But you make her happy, so I'll put up with a lot."


"There are books in Tirion! I can probably get you a pass to the palace libraries, they have every book the Eldar've ever written."


"Best new brother-in-law."


"Are my brothers your brother-in-laws too, the way your people count that kind of thing? Because if so I'd better enjoy the title while I have it, I don't think I'll keep it."


"No, not according to the way Killaiuossa does things, but we're not there anymore. Does it work that way here?"


"Complicated? People who do it the Cuivienen way would, they see marriage as much more of - like, a political alliance between the House of Feanor and House of Lessnerai so it'd make sense to speak of my whole family as yours by marriage. The modern concept's more individualistic, I think. Royal family's behind the time because of course we are."


"...Uh, it'd be House of Zavari, not Lessnerai, but okay. ...How do names even work here, you only have two."


"Mothername, fathername, some people choose a third. Houses follow whichever parent is more politically important which is almost always the father because socially conservative, but my father calls himself his mother's son in formal contexts."


"...Okay, so the way it works for us is that one or the other parent or both together whatever it doesn't really matter picks a given name--Imliss and Idaia in our cases--and then the kid gets the mother's motherline name and the father's fatherline name. Our mother's name was Sarlassa Zavari Geressin and our father's name was Erichen Eizar Lessnerai. We're both girls and would pass on the motherline name, so if anyone's referring to us as being from one or the other family it's more likely the Zavaris."


"Okay, good to know. We list the one we're affiliating with last, so you might change the order with people you don't have time to explain the whole thing to."


"...Weird. Okay, that'd probably be confusing for a while. It'd probably be worth keeping it the same way if we expected to use the same naming structure for any kids we were going to have, since they might be sons who wouldn't be using Zaravi primarily, but that seems unlikely to say the least."


"I'm Tyelcormo with everyone who knows me, but I'm Prince Turkafinwe because that's my fathername and it's through my father I'm prince anything. There are stupid social rules - like, Maitimo tells everyone to call him Maitimo but everyone in fact still calls him Prince Nelyafinwe, you're supposed to wait for someone to insist on familiarity. I cannot stand them or people who take them seriously."


"...So should we in fact call him Maitimo, or...?"


"You're family now so you can. But, like, if you're talking with a random person in Tirion, and you say 'Maitimo said -', you're very forcefully saying 'the prince-who-I-am-on-intimate-terms-with said', if that makes any sense which it shouldn't because it's stupid."


"It makes sense. Maybe if I'm too busy learning things I can avoid having to deal with ridiculous social structures."


"That's how my father does it!"

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