An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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Course not, because you're perfect. And could dream-summon us all into the pavement if we were annoying you. 


I love you.


Love you more. 


...See, this is the part where we could get into a silly argument over it, but I guess we could just check. Because telepathy.


They can do that! He can just send everything he feels at her!


Oh. Nice.

Well, she can just reciprocate, right?


Sure, but he's not going to stop just because she's sending him showers of mental affection. 


This is going to cause a feedback loop, isn't it.


This is going to be interrupted by tackling and kissing. 



She has one leg wedged between his and is fumbling with his shirt before she remembers that at bare minimum they want to warn Imliss to be out of earshot for the duration first.


Imliss is being super patient, probably shouldn't push that. 


Imliss really wants her Quenya and her public/private distinction solid before they get to Tirion but yes, she is, they should definitely not inflict things on her that will make her want to boil her eyeballs in acid.


They will wait. Not very patiently, but they will wait. 


"Idaia. Please do not have sex with your fiance in the vicinity of his surrogate dad, it would be super weird."


"We, ah, got carried away. He's leaving, he knows I'd like some space -"


"Yeah, okay, in that case I'm out, lemme know when it's safe to find you two again."


"There's a river thataways, if you like water or fishing or background noises."


"Background noises sound very helpful right now, thanks," she says, and heads off towards the river.


Now, where were we exactly?


In love! As I recall!


She laughs and pulls his face down by the hair to kiss him again.


I was trying to tell myself the other day I couldn't be in love because I didn't know you well enough yet, all I knew about you was how clearly you saw through everything and how much you understood about people and how eager you were to learn things and how much you wanted to make yourself understood and how loyal you were to your family and I'd been trying to convince myself I didn't know you enough to be in love but it just got more obvious that I did...


When I told you what happened to my parents you were on our side immediately and you grew up in a place with social conservativism and you don't have it and you wanted to teach me everything I wanted to learn and I have never seen anything more adorable than you apologizing to bees who just stung you and you tease back when I tease you and you get that politics is bullshit and I was telling myself I hadn't known you long enough to be in love which is even more ridiculous.


Bees die when they sting you, I freaked them out enough they thought they'd better die to protect their families. I don't know why more people don't apologize to bees.


...sorry, off topic. I love you.


I love you.

They can discuss bees later. For now, is everyone relevant far enough away that she can safely (finally) get his shirt off?

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