An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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You're amazing and you deserve something beautiful and also I suspect my life will be easier if I don't have people judging me for my terrible glassworking skills as much.


I can always have them thrown into the dungeons. 


Please don't have people thrown into dungeons on my behalf, she giggles.


How nice do the dungeons have to be, and how annoying the comments, before this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do?


I think if the comments are sufficiently socially unacceptable and the dungeons are nice enough that people won't go, oh, that horrible woman seduced the prince and is making him throw people she doesn't like in dungeons, tsk tsk, that's when.


That seems itself a dungeon-worthy comment. No one calls my wife horrible or suggests she did anything more seductive than existing as herself in my vicinity. 


Please don't make everyone else in the city loathe me because you're adorably overprotective.


We have Maitimo for that, don't worry. 


Making people loathe me? Or making sure they don't?


Making sure they think you can do no wrong. He could probably also make them loathe you but he's my brother, I trust him, and he never would. 


I know, I was teasing.


Tirion doesn't have any dungeons, and I've gotten used to ignoring people who think they get to have opinions about who I'm sleeping with. 


Happens often?


I think the essential experience of being royalty is that people think they get opinions on anything you do. But especially that, yeah. 


Social conservatism, she thinks derisively.


Nah, just voyeurism. There's nothing people like talking about more than other people's private lives. 


It doesn't surprise me that you make a tempting target for voyeurs, royalty or no.


I may in fact have done more than my share of unacceptable things. People will doubtless warn you about then in shocked tones. 


Anything that's unacceptable for reasons that mean anything?


I don't think so, but I wouldn't, would I? What are you worried about?


Can't think of anything off the top of my head, but there could have been something you did whilst young and stupid that was a bad thing. I broke another kid's nose when I was little, she offers as an example.


I have gotten into physical altercations with my cousins a lot, usually when we are all drunk. I do not really regret any of them but I do respect the principle that people shouldn't go around doing that. 


I regret breaking a child's nose, even while also a child, more than I would getting into drunken altercations. Anyway I'm not too worried.


I have never scared anyone, I feel like that's an important line not to cross if you do cathartic not-exactly-friendly physical fighting. People shouldn't wonder if they are actually in danger. 


Yeah, I really don't have a problem with that kind of recreational violence.

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