An Edie and Emily in Valinor
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Like - people sincerely holding him in very high esteem, and trusting him, and wanting his regard and trust in turn, is very important to him. And also he's very pretty and going to be King and inevitably people fall in love. He doesn't - distance himself, unless this is making them desperately unhappy, because he is mostly very good for people and is always very capable with the trust they put in him.

But I don't think 'deep intense mutual regard' connects to a desire to sweep someone off their feet and say they're beautiful, for him. 


Hah. Fair enough. Given their height differences she probably cannot literally sweep him off his feet without looking very silly but that is definitely the flavor of Feelings going on here.


He can do the feet-sweeping! Perhaps Maitimo just never kisses anyone so that people don't envy him too much.


Ee! She giggles and kisses him on the nose in return before capturing his lips again.


Kissing is such a good remedy for the sour taste in his mouth he gets from talking politics. 


Kissing is usually good but it's never been this good before, she's in love.

...She steps back a moment and reexamines the thought. Huh. Looks like it's true. Should she be relieved or disappointed that she discovered this after she started practicing keeping thoughts private? Whatever, she can just not make any irrevocable decisions based on it now, enjoy the kissing and deal with it later.


It's good that the sister'll like Tirion, she must be feeling a bit left out. 


Imliss is quite content to occupy herself while sister and sister's shiny new boyfriend go off and make out. She's definitely looking forward to Tirion, though.


Well, they'll make their way there after they find Orome, and they'll find Orome any day now if they just keep walking and practicing archery and learning Quenya. 


Practicing archery and practicing Quenya and making out with the shiny boyfriend are all such great things.


And then they step through some trees and they part into a stunning southern savanna and he says he's here long before they will hear him.

Though they'll hear him long before he arrives. Orome's hoofbeats sound like thunder. 




Tyelcormo kneels. The hoofbeats draw closer. 


Kneeling, okay, she can do that.


Presumably he knows what he's doing, yeah. Kneeling it is.


Tyelcormo, Orome says affectionately. 

Hello, my lord. I have fallen in love. Also I would see these people realize the full promise of paradise. Are they immortal? Can you make them immortal? Can you give them osanwe? They have children by accident, can you fix that?

I rejoice to hear it. They are not immortal. They cannot be made immortal in the Elven fashion; their souls will not seek Mandos if they die. They could be delayed a thousandfold in the process of aging that is destined for their people.  Do they desire that?


Wow that sure is a presence.



Yes it is.



Done, he says happily. Osanwe I should not do; changing the configuration of a mind will not leave it the same in all other respects. The bearing of accidental children could happen in a relationship between an Elf and a species with such a limitation, though with care you can avoid it; I can also do so, and will, for that is a grave wrong to innocents that should not come to pass in Valinor.


Oh well. Thank you anyway. And yes, if you can fix the accidental children thing that would be great.


Tyelcormo stands and runs over to him and throws himself at him like a child flinging himself into the arms of his father. And Orome lifts him into the air just as easily. 

Thank you.

It is my pleasure. Eru keep you all, and Aman bring you bliss.

Oh, it has.


Aw. Aww. Awwww.


Huan is frolicking contentedly at Orome's feet. Orome sets Tyelcormo down and runs an enormous hand through Huan's shaggy fur. Sorry about the osanwe, he says. 


I've lived this long without. Would've been nice, is all.


I can keep asking. Orome originally said Irisse couldn't ride with him because she's a princess and it'd be odd but I just relentlessly nagged him about it until he admitted that was no good reason.

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