"Well... back to the other day," he says. "When you said you didn't want to be compared to Yeerks. I wasn't really hearing that the way you meant it. I mean, I did, I understood the words and what you were talking about, but I had a whole different reaction to it that wasn't about you or what you were saying so much as it was about... other stuff that's happened in my life. And what I'm trying to do is change that reaction, so if you tell me you don't want me to do something I can listen instead of getting scared and running away. Finding other ways to be nice to you helps with that. I don't know why, but it does."
"Couldn't tell you about other humans. With me... I don't think how you phrase things is so much the problem. It's just how you came off when you said that one thing, and how everybody else seemed to take it, and how I was feeling right then. I ended up feeling like somebody was going to try to make me act a certain way, and - I have problems with that."
<I do not really understand the structure of this group. Princess Bella clarified a few things, but was then distracted and then Andi came in with the glowing shapes.>
"We don't have much of a structure," says Trouble. "Which parts did Bella clarify? I could tell you some of the rest."
<She said that she is not really the leader even though no one else more exactly meets the description. She is willing to lead me, and can typically convince her sister to do things, and is still unsure of how things will work out in the long run with Charlie, and can often convince Robin that good ideas are good ideas, and is generally "crossing her fingers and hoping" about you and Ethan.>
"Ethan and Robin are best friends," says Trouble. "Ethan pretty much doesn't care about anybody but her. He'll do whatever he thinks is good for Robin. Which right now means saving the world from the Yeerks."
"And me, well, I have problems with people telling me what to do, but I wanna save the world too." He snorts softly. "Or die trying."
<I don't know how you expect to be part of an effective unit without a command structure. Did you want to be the leader instead of Princess Bella?>
<All without Yeerk suspicion. When the realize that the Dome fell intact - that there could be Andalites on earth, let alone human morphers - they will be on their guard.>