"It is observably a thing," says Ethan. "Observe its thingness. Are we going to stand around chatting, or are we planning to get home before the clock strikes midnight and we all turn into pumpkins?"
He considers this question for a few seconds, and then says, "Stress level. If you're asking if I'm gonna wake up if somebody breaks in while I'm napping on the couch, the answer's 'probably'."
"Okay. The alternative involves moderately uncomfortable bed-shuffling shenanigans to put Andi who wakes up when people breathe on the couch."
"I'm not gonna sleep in the same room as your dad, either," he adds. "Nothing against your dad, I'm just - not. But I'll take the couch if that's fine with everybody."
"G'night, Bella. You still want to talk about that thing from the other day?"
"Ax asked me to do something I wasn't gonna do, and I didn't feel like sticking around to explain why, so I bailed," he says quietly. "Being able to just leave a conversation I don't wanna be in anymore is kind of a big thing for me."