Night falls.
They can all go to the Seattle zoo and acquire everything they can get their hands on.
He is careful. The rattlesnake does not bite him. In fact, it does not even wake up.
"...Fuck, I think I'm in love," he murmurs. "Ethan?"
"Of course, darling," he says, and kisses Trouble on the cheek, and picks the lock for him.
"It's a pretty snake," agrees Andi. She squints in the dark to read the placard on its tank. "I can't tell if, like, two-thirds of the animals we're getting are boys or girls."
"Yes," says Ethan, "I wonder why that is? Can't imagine. Go and get your pretty snake now."
Everyone else may as well get the pretty snake, too. "Wait, there's a specific reason that it doesn't bother you?"
The snake is sleeping, and sleeps through everyone acquiring it. Since there is more than enough snake for everyone to touch at once - it's about twenty feet long - this doesn't take much time at all.
"Mmm..." says Trouble, not like he's evading, more like he's trying to figure out how to put it.
"Trouble doesn't seem to think that changing his sex or his species makes him any less essentially Trouble," she offers as a partial explanation.
"Well, yeah. It's just morphs, we're still us," says Andi. "It's just weirder for me to be boy animals."
"Right," says Trouble. "But it's not weird for me to be girl animals, because... I'm not not a girl."
"Girl," he repeats. "It's not a one-or-the-other thing for me; morphing Robin or a female bear or whatever doesn't make me feel like I'm doing something against the nature of who I am; I don't correct people when they say 'he' or whatever, because I'm also not not a guy, but if you all suddenly decided that you were going to treat me like a girl from now on it wouldn't be weird or upsetting or hard to handle. It would be just as okay as treating me like a guy is."
"It is observably a thing," says Ethan. "Observe its thingness. Are we going to stand around chatting, or are we planning to get home before the clock strikes midnight and we all turn into pumpkins?"