He shakes his head, just visible through the partly open closet door. "She was never a pilot. They use Taxxons - good reflexes - and she steered clear of Taxxon hosts 'cause they have such high attrition."
<Okay, that's that out. If we ever catch a helpful Yeerk with a more cosmopolitan history could we get a ship?>
<Don't necessarily, but if we had a plan set up to get one it'd be handy if we ever needed to convince a lot of people at once or someone in authority that there are aliens invading.>
"Hell if I know," says Trouble. "I mean, sure, if we can get somebody who knows how to pilot one, maybe we can steal something. But it's not like Aspret spent a lot of time analyzing their security. Oh - that guy who got shot in front of Robin was an escaped host, by the way. Aspret saw him make a break for it. Happens once in a while, but they almost never get as far as the door."
"Not that Aspret ever heard about. And if they did, somebody'd track them down and kill them. They're really serious about not letting anybody know they're here."
"Who the fuck knows. Blade ship, maybe. His security's top-notch. The guy's kind of a tool, though. Like, that important project Aspret was assigned to - she got kicked off and demoted because he overheard her saying that what he was asking for was impossible and made no sense. He gets into these moods where he'll kill anybody who looks at him funny."
"...It's top secret, it's never gonna get off the ground, and she really doesn't want us to know what it was because if the Yeerks somehow get the idea that we know about it they're bound to figure out she talked to us."
"So I'm not gonna tell you unless you can think of a really good reason why you need to know or we find out about it some other way."
<Because you think we'd change something that would give the fact that we talked to Aspret away?>
"Because she really didn't want you to know, and from where I'm sitting I don't see it helping you any."
<The local pool - where are the entrances, how guarded are they, do all the Controllers know each other?>
"They don't all know each other - there's too many. And you can't tell by sight who's in somebody's brain. There's a whole bunch of entrances - one in the used bookstore, one in a McDonald's, one in our school, one behind a bus station, two more Aspret's never come in by, and then there's a tunnel going to a hangar way out of town where they keep a bunch of Bug fighters, but she's never been down it. They guard it, but they're not expecting an Andalite strike force - they're gonna think we're Andalites, even Aspret kept catching herself thinking of us as Andalites and she sure as hell knew better. We could probably get in and out pretty easy as bugs or something, until they figure out we exist."
"They could install a filter at all the entrances that disintegrates unauthorized lifeforms. They haven't because it's a huge pain and they don't think they need to."
"It'd just about have to be humans," he says. "The other host types almost never poke their noses out, 'cause of secrecy, and a Yeerk slurping along the floor would be out of place as hell."
<Well, yes, but we could go in stacked Yeerks-in-humans if that were a good idea for some reason, and if we ever acquired Hork-Bajir such a filter probably wouldn't zap us, though it'd still be risky.>