"Okay. Andi's probably already on her way home from Robin's; I'll call Robin anyway." Bella heads for the phone.
"Hello. First, before I explain what happened today, I want to say that there is no longer an emergency, everyone is fine."
"I'm not sure how much to say over the phone, but Trouble was temporarily... not fine. You should come over at around eight when me and Andi are back from the Olive Garden and Renée's at the movies, and bring Ethan."
And when Renée and Andi are home, all three of them go and eat pasta and bring home the leftovers and investigate the presents Trouble left for dessert, and Renée goes to meet her friends at the movie theater, and Bella tells Andi what happened, and then it is eight.
"So," says Bella briskly, when they are in and the door is closed and the curtains have been checked. "Trouble got Yeerked. I chased her out, she's in the basement in a bowl of water."
"The humane option is put her in contact with the morphing cube and then a bird or something. The question is whether we can trust her if we do that. And right now, she can't talk."
"Fortunately, in chasing her out I learned that it's doable, so if she makes a break for it or starts morphing or something, we chase her again, she dies, end of story."
"Yeah, it's weird how having at least two people around who'd kill me if things went south can be so comforting."
"Well, I mean, the idea would be to get Aspret out of you first, but yes. Any comments before we go render the captive Yeerk suitable for interrogation? The three of us," Bella gestures at her sister and Trouble, "also acquired her, and you may as well do the same."