"...Ooh. Me and Andi did not come across that particular feature morphing each other, although we can do it when we're butterflies - how do you do it?"
"I - just do?" he says, in Trouble's accent from Robin's mouth. "It's not any different than doing it as an Andalite."
<Wow, we might have to spend a lot of time morphed as each other just to get this advantage.>
"Hey," she says to Ethan, "wanna break me some more before I turn back?"
He demorphs noticeably faster than he morphed.
"It could be different, injuries to morphs versus injuries to baseline shapes," Bella says, "is there some reason we can't do that experiment?"
"We can if you wanna hold the hammer," says Trouble. "Ethan doesn't feel like fucking up his best friend even when she's actually me."
"I'll think about it. You were faster demoprhing than morphing, any idea why?"
"Okay, can we repeat that or something effectively similar without the confounding factor in case the injury all by itself is affecting your speed?"
This time the morph is much faster. A little slower than coming back from Robin the first time, maybe, but not as obviously so.
"Incrementally nastier. Don't overdo it, and I don't think we should experiment with anything that could cause brain damage."
Ethan playfully taps the handle of the hammer against Trouble's forehead.