"Which is why I'm perfect for the job," she says cheerfully. "I don't have to do anything."
"Yeah, I was thinking about it, and then I got distracted by the comedy duo here," he says, gesturing at Ethan and Robin. "It's... not simple. And I'm guessing you won't just let me take responsibility for myself."
"There's no 'just' in there anymore. You have my life and my twin sister's life, plus Robin's and Ethan's lives - and our un-Yeerked status - in the palm of your hand. One of the things I need to function is to keep the best track I possibly can of what risks are being run with those things. I'm sure you'd hold up brilliantly under conventional interrogation, but the Yeerks don't need to conventionally interrogate you if they get ahold of you. So - what do you need so that we can, jointly, function?"
"If you just want me to not run off and do stupid shit that might get you killed without telling you first, I can do that," says Trouble.
"I could use some, but I'm not sure it'll do the job," says Trouble. "...How about we talk about this... later?"
"Is it just me or is not having somebody in charge a recipe for disaster? I don't think armies and stuff do it that way just because they couldn't decide which number of uniform stripes looked prettiest and they wanted an excuse to use them all."
"Well, for one thing, when Bella turned into me that was one thing but I bet if we turn into butterflies or whatever we can't talk to each other, so we have to be coordinated in advance if we're gonna do stuff in morph."
"Elfangor talked," says Trouble, thoughtfully. "Bet you I could talk too, if I morphed him."
"...And the Visser talked. When he was still the what'd-he-call-it, he made that crack about taking a bite out of your enemies. So is that because he was an Andalite to start with, or running one at least, or is it because morphing lets you do that?"
"Well, if being able to morph lets you do it, then I - at minimum, possibly all of us - should be able to do it right now," muses Bella. "I just have no idea how."
He makes no move to actually do so.
"Do you anticipate having the privacy to do this somewhere other than here? There are -" She glances around. "Random appliance boxes you could go stand behind."
"Here's probably best. Ethan's place has privacy for having sex, not so much for turning into an Andalite, given the parents. I'll just go hide behind a box, huh?"
Bella nods. "Not that I'm not curious what it looks like, but I can do my butterfly test in the mirror."
Trouble goes and hides behind a box. There is the sound of clothing being removed, and then some other, moderately disturbing noises.
"The Visser morphing was pretty gross, but his end result was gross - I guess it's about the process too?"
<This is pretty cool,> he says, inspecting his six-fingered Andalite hands with his main eyes. <Hey, I wonder if I can... nope. Turns out you can't go straight from one morph to another. Did he say that? I forget.>