The twins try to behave normally with their father or his pod person, whichever the person who calls them is, for a value of "normally" that involves adamantly continuing to want nothing to do with the Sharing.
And sometimes crying and refusing to tell Renée what's wrong.
School proceeds. No one's grades see more than a minor downturn as a result of all the alien business.
Andi and Robin play music. Andi's getting pretty good on the drums, although her teacher moves away and she has to hunt up another one, who she sticks with for four lessons before deciding to go self-taught.
Bella tightens up her cipher. It began as a letter substitution and since then has evolved to include plenty of personal shorthand - she turns the ratio of shorthand to straightforward letters up as far as she can and still read the thing herself. She abbreviates, she leaves out spaces, she names things in roundabout ways, she refers to things many notebooks ago that she can find easily that anyone else could spend hours hunting for, if she has to record names she finds ways to describe the spelling without ever placing all of the characters in sequence. Maybe the aliens have super-cryptanalysis and super-OCR and can eat her notebooks in one bite and know everything they know; but maybe not, and maybe if she's careful enough she'll look like she's writing her paranoid diary and not like she's taking notes on the quiet invasion.
Trouble comes over a lot. He stays over a lot. Renée has a quiet conversation about him with Bella, in which Bella is vague, pretends ignorance, suggests that maybe he just likes it here, maybe his folks are allergic to gluten and won't eat his baked goods? Renée leaves it alone.
May begins.
"Okay. I still don't want any of us filling up on morphs too greedily, and as long as we don't know the limit diversity could be important, but you're bear bait, you sedate the bear for Ethan, then you both get out of there. Me and Andi should probably also have combat-capable morphs in case things get hairy. I'd want us all to be the same bear if I knew we could be as many things as we wanted - the last thing we want is for the Yeerks to notice us and then be able to count us, way better if they never notice us and if they have to notice us they should at least think we're a small surgical strike force from some unknown large pool of morphers. Since we don't know that we can be an unlimited number of things and don't know the limit me and Andi should pick up something else. Elephants maybe, raw blunt force and some fine-manipulation capability. I think if the limit were very small - fifteen, twenty - he'd have thought to mention it - but he was kind of dying at the time. I wish I'd asked."
"Yes." Bella blinks, then writes something down. "Also, the cube has to be hidden someplace, and someplace is not this house, at least after tonight."
"You weren't there for this part, but Visser Three, who has an Andalite host - the only Andalite host, apparently - used its host's morph capability, turned into a giant monster, ate Elfangor, and then morphed back without being noticeably distended or anything. I am noting that when I have a chance I want to look into how morphing interacts with eating, generally speaking."
Bella makes a face, but doesn't comment. "Anyway. We should also have birds. Unobtrusive birds - maybe owls if we have room once we know more about what we're going to need, but unobtrusive daytime birds, raptors are tempting but people notice them. Pigeons can be fast, pigeon racing is a sport - I'll compare them to crows tomorrow but it might come down to which is easier to catch. That'll get us into the zoo at night."
"Renée might know someone who has volunteer slots at an animal rescue, or something, which is probably easier than trying to get hold of a wild pigeon. We can ask."
"Do you think people will notice if the critters go all floppy and sedated when we touch them?"
"Maybe. I don't think the Yeerks expect us to be able to morph, though. They didn't even check Elfangor's ship for the blue box before they vaporized it, so if it's standard cargo on Andalite fighters they don't know that. We should be able to fly under the radar long enough to get some utility morphs."
"I'm interested in that pigeons versus crows thing now," says Robin. "I think I'll look them up, if you don't mind."
"Yeah, go for it. And anything else particularly neat we might be able to lay hands on that you want to look up."
"Pigeons, crows, bears... I should have a list," says Robin. "Spare me a page? What else do we want?"
Bella writes in plaintext on a blank page. "Pigeons, crows, bears, elephants, I'm getting a butterfly to check morph speed - I'd get a fly or something similarly unobtrusive, but if Renée catches a butterfly in the house she won't kill it, I can't say the same for a housefly. You might want to look into other bugs though, for non-practice spy morphing - small things we can get that are hard to see or hard to kill or both." She tears off the page and hands it over.
"School's out in like a week, and after that we can pretty much collect any cheap tickets to Forks we like. Are you three going to have trouble accompanying us?"
"The flight is longer than two hours, if you were thinking of hitchhiking in morph and pretending to have been somewhere else later instead of getting tickets and permission. Actually on reflection hitching might be a good idea regardless - put you in cargo, or on our persons to run to the bathroom every hour and a half... Then the Yeerks don't see an unusually large contingent going to visit Charlie followed by his accidental death. I don't know how much his Yeerk reports on his personal affairs to whatever organizational structure they have under the Visser, but it might be non-zero, they might notice that. Robin's convincing as an Andi-tagalong, I could maybe sell the Yeerk on Trouble too, but I don't think Ethan has ever been mentioned to Charlie at all and keeping the party small seems like the thing to do. So, Robin, ask your mom, Trouble and Ethan - make whatever excuses suit to be not-home, and wait for Robin's results on bug morphs."