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Demon Cam in the Space Silmarillion
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The grownups are all very busy, but the children are all bored. 


Bored or having nightmares. But Tasárinon was not on a ship and did not see the people dying and has only heard it thirdhand and can't exactly have nightmares about the look in his mother's eyes - well, he probably could, but he hasn't - so he's bored, and he is drawing on the floor. It is an absurdly intricate drawing. He has been embellishing it for three days. 

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"You're not in it, but yeah, see you around."


Anybody else want Cam for anything while he's around?


If he's willing to land a lot more people in Brithombar, they're at the stages in their support planning where more people can be landed. There are also teams ready to go if he wants to land evacuation preachers anywhere else. Medical has another list of drug requests.


He will fill drug requests and fly people to Brithombar! He is not sure where else to land evac evangelists. He will ask Maitimo while he's in Brithombar.


It's raining hard today. The people of Brithombar are delighted by this; too stormy for airstrikes. 


Anybody want an umbrella? Cam for his own part just puts a wing over his head, and texts Maitimo that he is here with people, where to?


Just outside the city, if he doesn't mind. Is Macalaure among the new arrivals?


"Any of you Macalaurë?"


"Maitimo said that this society has radio."


"...the relevance is lost on me." Does 'this society has radio' mean 'I am Macalaurë'?


"Means I can save him some time, probably a lot of it."

Yes, Maitimo says. Tell him I said to come over.


"Cool. He says you should come over."


"I'd be delighted. Where are we going?"


Where just outside the city?


"Actually now I got it."


I sent Macalaure a mental map because I can't send you one, comes the message a bit later, and Macalaure points him to it. It's a clear, empty space. 


There they go. Plink go raindrops on Cam's wing.


"Hello," Maitimo says. "Will you build this into a concert hall? I have the designs all here though Macalaure should look over them to make sure they're adequate. My people are going to be desperately unhappy living in this city. I'd love it if bombers could only superficially damage it, and the top is designed to look already thoroughly bombed out. I think I did the acoustics right," he says to his brother, "but I don't have a computer here so I was going from memory."


Macalaure looks at it. "Says he with the memory magically extended to fit a million biographies into it."

"You took as many copies of that as I did."

They hug. 


"Concert hall coming right up." Cam tweaks the materials a little for shielding purposes and proceeds to make the requested building.


Maitimo claps his hands delightedly. "Thank you! Presumptuous, I guess, but I already booked it for the next week. It'll be good for morale. Do we have an air force?"


"All fueled up and everything," Cam confirms.


"Lovely. Then I think I can delegate the rest of support in the Falas. They're on board with evacuation as soon as we have a plan to make it safe and a carefully unescalated war in the meantime, and the President's too reasonable to require much scheming around. And they'll be charmed by Tyelcormo and in between songs on the radio you can do some subtle propaganda for me, Cáno?" Macalaure's shaking his head in amusement. Maitimo continues. "Can you do eggs that'll grow up into not-mentally-abnormal chickens because if you can that's the food shortage mostly sorted in a less dramatic way, the main quality-of-life things we identified were making the bomb shelters prettier and giving everyone necklaces..."


"I can do fertilized eggs, yes, as long as you can wait twenty-one days for them to hatch, if I start them any later than that they hatch into demonic chickens, or possibly don't hatch because they're too stupid to hatch."


"Is a demonic chicken less exciting than it sounds? We can wait twenty-one days. If you set up incubators for them we won't even have to do much work."


"'Demonic' is the word for mindless animals, it's only basement-dwellers if they look like people. And yes, I can also incubate the eggs, where do you want them?"


"Would it be faster to put the roads down first, if we're expanding the city? Roads here, university campus on these three blocks, incubate eggs, some nice restaurants across from the concert hall, here are the plans. We're going to start teaching sixteenth century science, I don't think lecture halls are excessively escalatory."

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