Bella is indeed saucing the pasta. She serves herself a plateful and passes the utensil to Trouble next. "So, Ethan, will the fascinating thing make sense to Trouble without context, or should I go get my notes and start from the beginning?"
Bella goes and gets her notes.
"Robin," she says, "while not sleep-deprived, high, recently thwacked upside the head, or otherwise obviously compromised in her ability to make cogent observations, saw what we think is an alien -" She flips through the stack of obfuscating doodles, produces the alien - "artist's rendering, police sketch style - chase after and vaporize a guy after the guy and then the alien exited said used bookstore. Which is apparently operated by a member of the Sharing, fuck that's creepy."
"Robin," she says, "while not sleep-deprived, high, recently thwacked upside the head, or otherwise obviously compromised in her ability to make cogent observations, saw what we think is an alien -" She flips through the stack of obfuscating doodles, produces the alien - "artist's rendering, police sketch style - chase after and vaporize a guy after the guy and then the alien exited said used bookstore. Which is apparently operated by a member of the Sharing, fuck that's creepy."
"Yes." Bella lets him have a good long stare at the alien, then tucks it between the eight-legged bird and the fairy. "Do you want me to reconstruct the reasoning that led to 'aliens' and whatnot?"
Bella reconstructs said reasoning. "Other options," she concludes, "are not off the table, but alien seems most likely."
"So this could be a coincidence, but does this look to the rest of you like the Sharing might be alien-oriented in some way?"