"Okay. We don't yet know that documentation should be the done thing, but if you see an opportunity to grab one do. The ideal would actually be one that could take video."
"And of course this only applies if there are theoretically circumstances in which you're willing to poke around potentially hostile aliens' lairs. It's possible I shouldn't make runs in person at all just because I'll trip over something and get attention while attempting to be stealthy."
"...Theoretically," she says, recalling the demon with a wince. "Very, very theoretically."
"It's okay," says Andi. She remembers the tea, goes and nukes the water an extra thirty seconds to get it hot again, and drops in a teabag and brings it out to steep.
A few days later, he catches Bella in the hall between classes.
"I've found out something absolutely fascinating," he says, "which I'd like to tell you privately. Very privately. When's a good time?"
"Ooh. A fascinating thing," says Bella. "Let's see. Renée is meeting friends for dinner, so we're fending for ourselves, but Trouble might decide to appear with baked goods."
"For the purposes of this discussion, Trouble is very private," says Ethan. "I'll see you after school, then? When?"
Bella would like to know in advance if Trouble is liable to appear with baked goods. So she sits with him at lunch.
"Hi, Trouble! If it should happen that you come over for dinner tonight no one will make you eat your vegetables."