She shrugs. "It was closed, lights off and everything, they all were. I didn't turn back to look at the sign."
"Do you know what time this happened? Can you go into more detail about what the alien sounded like? Or the weapon - what it looked or sounded like?"
"It was made of shiny metal," she recalls, "and it tapered almost to a point but sort of blunt, and it made a sound like - like a screamy whoosh. And there was a smell after it fired. Kind of a burning smell but not quite. The monster's voice was very deep and kind of growly, but it didn't sound like an animal, it sounded like an angry man muttering to himself. Except the sounds weren't quite right. I've no idea if he even could speak any human language, with that mouth. And it was, I don't know, a little after midnight."
"If Charlie were - but he isn't. And I don't see Renée being very useful here either. I suppose we could tell Trouble."
"Well, I don't know what use he'd be, but one thing I definitely don't expect is for him to decide unauthorized that the situation would be better if forty more people knew about it."
"And then he'll know to - I don't know. Avoid that intersection at night? Go looking for that intersection at night? I actually don't know, maybe we'd better not tell him."
"We can tell him, though," says Robin, "if we think of a way it would help. Help what, I don't even know. I just saw some stranger murdered by a, a demon. What's going to help with that?"
"Didn't think so. Do you want some meringues? Trouble made, like, ninety of them, there are still most of them around."
Ethan has some, too, occasionally sneaking one right out of Robin's hand while she's not looking.