Tetula learns to be a cleric
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An older teenager (16?) looks back and sizes Tetula up.

She isn't sure she should leave this to Gabi.  But for all Gabi blabbers she does know to keep quiet on really important things.  Eh, it's probably fine.

"Will do!  Let me know if you need a reminder on the tenant rules, don't tell her them wrong!"


Tetula isn't sure how much this helps her understand what her god wants because you can't get less assault-y than zero.

"I'm not a tenant, I have a house! I just want to read the excerpts of the holy book of Cayden Cailean."


She’ll let Gabi handle this.


New tenant signup plan: ended!

Delegate networking plan: still in progress!

“That’s fine too!”

“But you should stay for dinner sometime!  We have another delegate (besides our Abbess) staying with us, Nuria! She’s Chaotic Good and a second circle cleric of Desna and a book smuggler!  She eats dinners most nights with us and she’s great!”

Gabi leads her down a side hallway.


Tetula heads down the side hallway. "Maybe I can stay for dinner tonight."


Gabi's near constant smile becomes even realer at that.

"Awesome! That would be great and then you could meet Nuria!"

And they reach a doorway.

"And here we are!"

The library is a moderately sized room, with around a two dozen or so bookshelves, with only 6 separate shelves at least partly filled (all on different bookshelves).  A top shelf in the back of the room is filled, another closer shelf mostly filled at a middle height, a close bottom shelf completely filled.  Spread across three separate partly filled shelves are novels.  There are two tables with chairs, enough to seat a dozen people or so.  A child is sitting reading a... romance novel?

Gabi goes towards the closer middle shelf and pulls out a book.  It is amateurly made and titled: Shrine Wall Writings, Taverns Placards of Wisdom, and A Brief Sampling of Asmodean Idiocy Responding to Them.

"And here it is!  We (well not me personally, but the Abbey) recently finished transcribing it out of an Asmodean text making fun of them, we didn't copy any of the mentions of torture but did copy some of the dumber things an Asmodean author wrote trying to make fun of them to make fun of him.  I mean to make fun of the Asmodean, not Cayden!"

She hands the book over and waits expectantly.


"Thank you! I can read it here and then give it back to you when I'm done?"


“Yep! Uh if you want to make notes, we have a workroom next door with blank paper and ink!  Make sure not to spill any on the book!  There’s writing desks next door as well.”

…she should have probably mentioned collateral or however it was supposed to work if Tetula damages the book, but it should be fine!


Tetula heads off to the workroom!

A few hours later, more full of knowledge and yet somehow more confused, she heads off to dinner. 


"I'm Dia, I can show you to the mess hall, I imagine these hallways might be confusing to someone that hasn't lived in them their whole life."

And she can guide Tetula back through the main chamber and down another hallway.  The mess hall is a large room with long tables and an eerie orange glow for a ceiling.  It could seat maybe a hundred closely, but currently under twenty members of the monastery are lined up to be served food, with a few people in front of them, and a few poorly dressed people behind them (perhaps beggars?).


"Are you helping the poor?" Tetula asks Dia. She's pretty sure Good clerics are supposed to help the poor. Maybe Neutral ones too.


A woman walks in and joins the line who is dressed, just, ostentatiously Desnan. …Probably most Desnans don’t have holy symbols that are actual preserved butterflies.


Dia thinks the beggars are a minor security liability and distraction, but if it gets them more healing it is easily worth it.

"Yeah, we have space and food, so Thea figured it wouldn't hurt to try some of the obvious things to get to Lawful Neutral.  As our guest you can go to the front of the line."

She turns to the woman that just walked in.

"Nuria, this is Tetula, she's a cleric of Cayden Cailean."  Or at least claims to be, Gabi didn't confirm she can cast divine spells or even check for a divine focus, so Dia is keeping an eye on her.


“Oh, cool! I’m Nuria Tosta. Of Desna. Obviously.”


"Chaotic Good buddies! Do you know anyone else from your church?"


"I've met a couple of other Desnans in the capital but we haven't had as much time to talk as I'd like. And yeah, Chaotic Good buddies! Chaotic Good is my favorite, although I've got a lot of respect for non-evil Law, it's just, you know, not for me personally." 


A big pot of stew is brought out and the line moves forward.  They can get a bowl of stew (and some hard bread if they want) and then get seats.  The stew smells great.

Thea joins them, but doesn’t interrupt.  She gives a shake of her head to indicate to her students not to interrupt them either.


"I haven't had time to talk either! Did you get picked before or after the Four-Day War?"


"That must have been frightening!"


“Well…at the time it happened, I was trying to save someone’s life, so I was mostly really happy. I was scared later, but,” she shrugs. “I was doing dangerous things anyway, and if I managed to kill myself before being Maledicted, I was better off afterwards as a cleric of a Good god than otherwise.”


"That's really brave! I don't know that I could be that brave. What were you doing?"


“Smuggling romance novels!”


"Gosh! Illegal ones from Andoran?"


“Lots of places! …I guess I don’t know where all of them were written but some were definitely from Andoran and some from Galt.”

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