Erastil's supposed to be Good, right? Why would he want to kill the forests?
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"I have my own cure spells. I'll try the berries, though, that sounds useful."


Feather will give him three berries, with care instructions! It feels nice to be of use, even if it's to strangers; it's not as if she needs nearly as many goodberries herself as she can make in a day, even if she doesn't hunt.




When evening falls, Feather and Greystripe fly out of the city, just far enough that houses and farms don't entirely dominate the landscape, and find a tree to sit in for a while. And Feather calls out to the birds, and asks if any of them are strong flyers and don't have a family to feed and can afford to leave for a few days, in exchange for seeing new lands and eating good food and doing a Good thing for the world.

Animal messenger can compel a bird, but she hates using it that way. She will take the time to fly over and talk to her few maybe-volunteers, to make sure she didn't overlook anything, before she casts.

And then she'll hunt for a suitable rodent to give this falcon, one who just recently became an adult and has lost his would-be territory to her sister. She'll give him a goodberry also, and tie a message to his leg, written on a piece of very thin paper wrapped in a bit of oiled cloth (the humans do have some useful ideas!); and then she'll tell him how to find the ranger who'll be waiting for him three days' flight northwest, to pass on the message to her contact in the Barrowood, and so by stages home.


41 days since left. In city, are well. Understanding hard! Outsiders don't understand even each other themselves.

Things random ppl don't understand: Good, trees, owlbears, Erastil, blackberries, notkillingeveryoneism, their own words sometimes!!!

Hope to find better wiser humans to talk to tomorrow.

Love to Mama, Papa, & Great Hoot



And then she'll find a crevice to nest in, and sleep while Greystripe keeps watch in the night.

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