"Well, I'm worried about me living," he says. "And if I have to lie or kill or steal to keep doing that, I will."
"I have a self-preservation instinct of my own. It is very healthy. I avoid situations where successfully obeying it would mean silencing someone else's."
"You know," he says, "I could probably lead a less risky life if I tried really hard, but I don't actually set out to be captured by Klingons or robbed at gunpoint or almost raped or whatever. These things happen by accident. They're not so common in the world we live in now - well, Klingons are a special case - but I was born in a very different world. How much do you even know about prewarp Earth?"
"Imagine you're completely alone," he says softly. "If anyone you meet finds out anything true about who you are or where you came from, and gets to the authorities with it, you'll probably be killed. But you have to get money from somewhere, because nothing's free, and you're not sure if you can starve to death but you don't want to find out by trying it. You speak a dozen languages and you're familiar with thousands of years of cultural and political and military history from all over the planet, but nobody ever taught you how to get a job, cook, wash the dishes, do laundry, buy something from a store... you have to figure all that out by yourself, and hope nobody gets suspicious if you do it wrong. That's the world I grew up in. With crime rates hundreds of times what you're used to. 'I avoid situations where I might have to kill somebody' is the kind of thing you only say when you've never had to choose between the street where you'll probably get mugged and the street where you'll probably get arrested."
"I should have. I turned over my entire life to providing more people the civilization I'm accustomed to, but don't often think about the details of what it means to lack it."
"Sometimes I forget that other people don't remember history as personally as I do," he murmurs.