Beila looks at Dao. And Spider. "Lying to Chali about how things went down and having to find a new firebending teacher is a lower standard of evidence than letting the serial killer go totally unescorted. But it's still a standard. What else is there to say about this... situation?"
This question actually gets him to uncurl a little, although he looks at the floor rather than at any humans present.
"I don't... hate it," he murmurs. "I. You can use it if you want."
"If you say so. Okay. It seems like your one remaining chance at not having to fight this out or get arrested is to tell us what happened and see what Beila thinks of it. So. Are you going to do that, or not?"
"I'm a waterbender. I - my father was always disappointed about it - he taught me firebending even though I can't do it - wouldn't let me learn how to heal. So when. I thought. If everyone thought I was a different kind of bender, it would be easier to hide. So I figured out how to fake firebending. And. When I told Dao why I was - doing all this, for real, that it was because it's the only time I ever feel okay... he said, why don't you try healing and see if that makes you feel okay too. And it. Did."
"...I hate to ask this because of what the answer might do to Beila's faith in my ability to keep you in line, but: how exactly did you fake Dad's suicide, Sora?"
"I looked up the - your dad died in broad daylight. During a half moon, which they note on police reports as a matter of policy."
"Had to get it right first," he murmurs. "Had to get it perfect. If he could've suspected even for a minute. If he could've done anything to stop me. It would've been. Bad."
"You can bloodbend at any time of the month, day or night, well enough to fake a suicide, you have taken up serial killing - Jun, what does this do to your estimate of your ability to handle him if handling as opposed to just palling around with him proves necessary?"
Enough firebreathing control to warm a cup of tea, say. A solid enough theoretical understanding of firebending to make any flame he pleases out of any movement. The capacity to produce lightning, including with unusual movement patterns. It does not boggle the mind to imagine he might be able to throw lightning even while being bloodbent.
"Debending him takes away the one positive coping mechanism he's found so far," Jun reminds her. "And he seems to find the prospect even more terrifying than the rest of this conversation."
"Jun, you have to sleep. And it's one thing to tell Chali that, oh, the serial killer grabbed his brother and ran off, good luck, and it's quite another to let him go on thinking this leaves him looking for a couple firebenders when one of them is an apocalyptically skilled bloodbender."
"Something to say over there?"