"Although that's another thing, the huge-wars-and-stuff - there haven't been any huge wars since I was named, but if there were, it's actually really ambiguous what I'm authorized to do. Not only on the level of 'will somebody try to kill me if I go encase all their soldiers in ice to make them stop doing whatever they're doing', but on the level of 'is it, in fact, legal within the scope of international law for me to intervene there, or would somebody be technically obligated to arrest me for it, or what'. The test cases for the last few Avatars always wound up getting resolved in ways that didn't set firm precedents."
"...That's... well... I sort of get that but I sort of don't. Because nobody thinks their country is going to be the one that needs the Avatar to hit it with a rolled-up newspaper, and if they do, it might be because they're planning something terrible and don't want the Avatar to stop them. And it would be kind of bad if the Avatar, like, actually went and took over the world. But then when stuff happens like somebody else trying to take over the world and the Avatar stopping them, you'd think the people who were coming up with the international laws would be like 'yeah, that's a thing that happens, we should decide what that means for us'. Like you shouldn't be allowed to take over the world but you also shouldn't get arrested for stopping somebody else from doing it."
"In practice probably no one is going to arrest me if I'm out fighting the good fight. In terms of what legitimate authorities I am not actually assailing at that moment are likely to do, I can play vigilante hero to my heart's content as long as there are targets I can justify in the court of public opinion. But it's peculiar to have so little actual legislation down about it."
And when they have eaten it all, Beila idly bends the flames into a spiral up over the wood.
"...maybe? Um. We had - plans. And I think I am... not okay with myself enough right now. For the plans."
"Okay." Flop. "No rush. ...You'll let me know if there's things I can do about the you being okay with yourself?"
"I could put the fire out, we could adjust to the dark again, see if the stars have been arranging themselves into rude messages while they thought we weren't looking."
"I think they're onto you. They must have erased all their rude messages while you were putting out the fire."