"I don't know, is it weird if I flirt with your teacher in front of you? It might be weird. I don't want it to end up being weird."
"I think all the weirdness is in the flirting and none of it is in the 'in front of me', and I have already dealt with that weirdness that there is."
"Then you can totally come! I don't know if I want you to, I don't think it makes much of a difference to my personal experience of flirting with Delightful Jun. As long as it is not weird."
"If you were going to flirt with a kinda famous very pretty guy you had a crush on I'm sure you'd be adorably anticipatory too."
When he spins out of the ashes of the red kilt, there turns out to have been nothing else underneath it.
The audience is mainly pleased with this development.
He doesn't do the lightning trick to drop the curtain this time, but he does do the wings.
"He is an excellent firebender and an excellent entertainer," chuckles Beila. "If he were about a decade younger maybe I'd have a crush on him too."
"He's only something like forty," Dao says defensively. "...Which is more than twice my age, but not much more. Um. Okay, so maybe he's old. He's still pretty!"
Jun comes out in front of the stage, wearing one of his beautiful embroidered robes, to say hello to tonight's small crowd of fans as everyone else files out.
"I don't know," he says. "I'm indecisive. I might just sit here wondering if he is wearing anything under that until everyone else has left."