"Your spillway should close up as you go longer and longer without using accidental and/or wandless fire," Healer Song says. "And then it will be safer and safer to cast spells on people and nondisposable objects. But for the short term, while you're still working on it, maybe a fire suppressant will work. Are you capable of relatively gentle deliberate wanded fire - about the same strength as your accidents? We can test it here without making anything worse if so, I just don't think I have a good way to test an overpowered Incendiary Charm."
"All right. So that should help as long as the target in question is a relatively replaceable object and not, for instance, a human. You can ask your teachers to perform it for you; I'll put it in your note. I cannot imagine why no one did this before even if they thought it was neotenous accidental magic."
Write-write-write. The note explains the spillway (without reference to the suspected trauma-related cause) and what should be done about it. Healer Song signs the note and hands it to Feral. "Here you are, then." He coughs slightly. "You can always make an appointment if you would find it helpful to have me be surprisingly useful on any other matter."
During the middle afternoon period, Bella and Sherlock have transfiguration together. They are also doing the firecracker exercise.
So does Bella! Her firefly is not very energetic and can't seem to turn its butt off, but it is totally a firefly, and then it is a firecracker again.
Bella is not as quick as her friend, but she earns a good grade for the day anyway, and then they're off to Magical Theory, the last class of the day.
"Feral got kicked out of Transfiguration 'cause he blew up the firecracker," she reports.