"Who knows? I told you, I'm not keeping count. It happens more when I'm not paying attention, and almost never when I'm trying not to, now that I've figured out how to try not to. But trying not to is hard and I can't always do it right. Especially when I'm upset. And I still light up the bed sometimes - I thought for a while I'd stopped, but then I did it again."
Bella settles for this description. She nibbles her sandwich. (She found enough information about animal intelligence last year to be comfortable eating non-magical meat again; her sandwich is turkey.)
This turns out to have been a good idea.
He manages a firefly on the first try, and turns it back without a problem.
On the second try, the firecracker goes up in smoke and takes most of his desk with it. Feral calmly Extinguishes the smoldering remains.
The teacher was near enough to get a faceful of smoke. She stares at Feral as though he's an intrusive snail in her garden, clearing away the smoke with a wave of her wand. "You are still having your pyrotechnic incontinence issue?" she says. "At this age? This is ridiculous. Go see Healer Song. Don't bother coming back to my class until he's cleared you."
"Hmm," says Healer Song. "Can you tell me more about the problem? I know you have that nearby room with the fire detector, but since you've never actually put anyone in the infirmary with fire - as opposed to with your teeth -" he raises an appraising, but not instantly condemning, eyebrow - "I don't have a lot of detail."