"If ghosts are people, then dying isn't so bad, as long as you can be one - it's still inconvenient and if you can't be a ghost it's still really bad. But maybe ghosts are more like portraits, which don't seem to be people properly as far as I can tell - there's one in Tony and Sherlock's house but she only speaks French, she doesn't seem able to learn a language, people can pick up at least some of new languages if they're around them a lot."
"Yeah, I mean, you've seen me walk, you think I can keep earmuffs on even if my life depends on it? I'll take magizoology. There aren't any interactions with live animals until the second year of it, it's not like Magical Animal Husbandry."
Next is Potions. Bella and Feral have this at the same time, but he's at grade level there since it requires no wandwork; they go to adjacent classrooms with separate classes. Bella learns to make "wizard coffee" of the sort that woke Sherlock up last year when he was dead on his feet (apparently its proper name is "Perking Potion"). She then proceeds to Magical Defense.
"I'm switching out. I didn't realize my life was going to depend on my nonexistent ability to reliably keep earmuffs on, or not spill substances up my sleeves, or trip facefirst into flesh-eating thorns," says Bella. "Magizoology it is."
"We weren't technically going to be working with the flesh-eating thorn thing this year but it was awfully nearby. You've watched me, you know, walk."
And then it is Magical Defense time. They are learning Disarmament. There is not really a good way for Feral to practice this without aiming his wand at fellow students.