"Have you noticed any patterns about when it happens and when it doesn't?" Bella asks, finding them a table.
"So maybe when they say you'll grow out of it what they mean is you'll learn to concentrate and calm down?"
"I've heard of kids having problems with spontaneous magic and spells backfiring and stuff," says Tony. "It's not that rare. But I don't think it usually works the way it's going with you."
"It is not always obvious to me if you really want the fire thing to go away," muses Bella.
"Well - you don't seem to like it, I bet if I could wave my wand and make it go away you'd let me, but you don't seem to spend much time trying to work on it. Maybe you do it when I'm not looking or something."
"Any witch or wizard - why is there not a collective term for that? Besides 'magic folk' which is clumsy? - can set things on fire."
"It did come in handy that one time," acknowledges Bella. "I wouldn't make the tradeoff, though."
"Who knows? I told you, I'm not keeping count. It happens more when I'm not paying attention, and almost never when I'm trying not to, now that I've figured out how to try not to. But trying not to is hard and I can't always do it right. Especially when I'm upset. And I still light up the bed sometimes - I thought for a while I'd stopped, but then I did it again."
Bella settles for this description. She nibbles her sandwich. (She found enough information about animal intelligence last year to be comfortable eating non-magical meat again; her sandwich is turkey.)